вторник, 4 февраля 2014 г.

Fast Food And Sexuality

It was much said about harmful fast food for the health of people. But in this article I'd like to pay your attention to one more side of this problem. I mean fast food and sexuality. Doctors from the whole world seriously warn that meals in "McDonalds" influence on sexual forces, leads to the spread of infertility, to the reducing of fertility in a scale of the countries. Medical statements are based on the results of researches conducted at the Institute of food additives in Munster. Experiments were conducted on rats whose diet consisted mostly of the products listed in the "McDonald's." By the end of all experimental testing both female and masculine individuals became infertile. Also on the man's potency a strict vegetarian diet affects with not the best way. Weight loss diet s do not contribute to sexuality as well. But if vegetarianism has not many followers, then as the same time there are the lovers of fast food, who are used to satisfy hunger in all sorts of eateries,many millions. Scientists believe that the reason for such unfortunate consequences in low-quality cheap fats, which in most cases are used in commercial kitchens. They, as a rule, contains harmful substances, unhealthy affecting on the functioning of the organism, especially on the reproductive organs. While control analyzes it was found in fast food such admixtures which did not dissolve in gasoline! We can make the conclusion, my dear friends, do not go to the "fast food" stores too often, and even more so every day. IT's better to give preference to the home cuisine, especially to the dishes cooked from products grown in the area where you live. Hope this artice you'll find useful:) Take care of your health at least for the sake of your future family, which you can create with help of our dating service Romance Compass. The best Ukrainian and Russian brides are here. Join now for free!

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